






Stress Test Your Estate Plan with These 6 Questions

Estate plans are living, breathing creations. Your life can and will change due to new births, children getting older and other shifts in the family; changes to your portfolio, career and business; and changes to your health, where you live and your core values. Likewise, external events, such as tax legislation passed in your state or the development of a novel financial instrument, can throw your plan off track or open the door to opportunities. Obviously, you want to do due diligence without spending inordinate amounts of time noodling over your plan. Good enough should be good enough. To that end, ask yourself the following 6 “stress test” questions to assess whether you need to meet with an estate planning attorney to update your approach.

Your Cyber Legacy: 3 Tips for Your Digital Assets

Protect your digital assets! Don’t worry if you didn’t consider these assets when made your will or trust – it’s surprisingly common and, luckily, easy to correct. Digital assets include, but are not limited to: your photos (yes, all those selfies are a digital...

How Will Brexit Impact Your Financial Planning?

On June 23, voters in the U.K. passed a referendum supporting the idea that Britain should leave the European Union. Known as “Brexit” for short, this surprising political outcome instantly plunged international markets into crisis, and the British pound took a...

Why 20% of Homebuyers May Not Sleep Tonight

Each year, approximately 20% of homebuyers fail to protect themselves by not getting owner’s title insurance. Unfortunately, this leaves them exposed to serious financial risk—causing endless worry and regret. If you’re thinking of buying a home, here’s what you need...

7 Reasons Why Every Homebuyer Needs Owner’s Title Insurance

Buying a home is an exciting and emotional time for many people. To help you buy your home with more confidence, make sure you get owner’s title insurance. Here’s why it’s so important for you. 1.    Protects Your Largest Investment A home is probably the single...

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